Genuine Parts & Accessoriesin Québec

Customize Your Vehicle According to Your Needs

Genuine Hyundai parts and accessories are designed to improve your Hyundai vehicle while maintaining its safety, quality, and resale value. The catalogue of genuine Hyundai parts and accessories includes products for all needs including towing, transportation, and aesthetics. If you need to tow with your Hyundai sport utility vehicle, we would be happy to help you choose the right trailer hitch at Lessard Hyundai.

We also have accessories such as roof boxes, bike racks, ski racks, and many other products that can improve the versatility of your Hyundai. We can also help you find accessories that change the style of your vehicle. Our genuine parts and accessories have been designed to fit perfectly on your Hyundai.

Customize Your Vehicle According to Your Needs

Get the Part You Need

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